Logo Kanton Bern / Canton de BerneDirection de l’instruction publique et de la culture

Enrolling in a secondary school or vocational education and training (VET) with “S” status

Adolescents and young adults from Ukraine should be enrolled in an appropriate educational programme (academic Baccalaureate school, upper secondary specialised school, language based transitional option) as soon as possible after arrival in the Canton of Bern. Young persons of around 15 years of age and young adults who do not yet have an upper secondary school qualification (apprenticeship, academic Baccalaureate, professional degree) can enrol.

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Young persons, including young adults and adolescents of around 15 years of age, who have fled Ukraine and who do not yet have an upper secondary school qualification can register online for enrolment in an appropriate education programme at the upper secondary level (academic Baccalaureate school, upper secondary specialised school, language based transitional option):  

Registration for upper secondary education for young adults and adolescents who have fled Ukraine (German/French/English)

Registration is binding. The Office of Upper Secondary Education and Vocational Education and Training (Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamt) must be informed of any changes or moves in due time via status-s.mba@be.ch.

In the case of registrations that are received from a compulsory school, the school currently being attended, the duration of the school attendance as well as the name and contact data of the responsible teacher must be provided.

The Office of Upper Secondary Education and Vocational Education and Training (Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamt) will recommend an appropriate educational programme (academic Baccalaureate school, upper secondary specialised school, language based transitional option) for the person, taking into account their current language skills and the study programme they were attending in Ukraine. The registered person will then be contacted by the responsible school.

Further information
